Boy Scout Troop 2

About the Troop
Boy Scout Troop 2, a ministry of First Presbyterian Church, provides an excellent opportunity for Boys between the ages of 11 and 18 to learn leadership and outdoor skills that will be important for them throughout their lives. Troop 2 is an active troop led by skilled, knowledgeable, caring leaders. We are large enough to provide a quality Scouting experience and small enough to provide personal attention to each Scout. You are more than just a number in Troop 2. In addition to experience, we also have the equipment and resources needed to make Scouting enjoyable.
The Boy Scout movement has a long, worldwide history, dating back to its founding in England in 1909 by Sir Robert Baden-Powell. Scouting was introduced to the United States the following year, 1910, by Chicago newspaper publisher William D. Boyce. Since that time, Scouting has impacted millions of young men with more than 2 million earning the rank of Eagle Scout. Scouting began in Corpus Christi the following year when the mother of Dr. McIver Furman, Corpus Christi’s first Eagle Scout, read about Scouting in The Saturday Evening Post. In 1911, two troops were formed in Corpus Christi. Troop 1, a sea scout unit, was chartered by the Rotary Club; Troop 2 was chartered by First Presbyterian Church. First Presbyterian has had a long, supportive relationship with Scouting ever since.
After several years of inactivity in the 1980s, the troop was rechartered in 1991 by Gary Uhlenhaker who continues to serve as Scoutmaster. In Troop 2 over the past 20 years, more than 45 boys have earned the rank of Eagle Scout, a rate that is almost six times the national average.
Troop 2 is an active troop. We meet every Monday at 7 p.m. in the First Pres Scout Hut. In addition to weekly meetings, we have activities almost monthly, including camping, biking, Schlitterbahn, and merit badge workshops. Because of our high standards and excellent reputation, we are one of the few Scout Troops permitted to use the HEB Foundation Camp in Leakey, Texas, where we attend the week after Christmas.
For More Information, Check out the Troop 2 Website