Jun 30, 2013
Dividing Families
When the Declaration of Independence was adopted by Congress in 1776, not everyone was in favor or separating from England. The people living in the colonies had to decide their loyalty and it divided families. Jesus said he didn't come to bring peace but to divide families. What did he mean by that?
  • Jun 30, 2013Dividing Families
    Jun 30, 2013
    Dividing Families
    When the Declaration of Independence was adopted by Congress in 1776, not everyone was in favor or separating from England. The people living in the colonies had to decide their loyalty and it divided families. Jesus said he didn't come to bring peace but to divide families. What did he mean by that?
  • Jun 23, 2013No Fear
    Jun 23, 2013
    No Fear
    We all have fears. Sometimes those fears get overwhelming and they're called phobias, irrational fears. Jesus tells us not to fear - not because there's nothing to fear (actually it's the opposite) but rather because he is in control.
  • Jun 16, 2013The First Mission Trip
    Jun 16, 2013
    The First Mission Trip
    God is a sending God. Noah was sent; Moses was sent; Jesus was sent; the Apostles were sent; and the Church is sent.
  • Jun 9, 2013Ask the Boss
    Jun 9, 2013
    Ask the Boss
    Jesus sees the crowds that come to him for healing and has compassion on them because they are beaten down, like sheep without a shepherd. He then tells his disciples (and us) to pray that God would send laborers into the harvest. Missions is driven by Jesus' compassion and the first priority is to pray.
  • May 26, 2013Living Stones
    May 26, 2013
    Living Stones
    In this Memorial Day message, Pastor Chip explains how God commanded the Israelites to set up standing stones as a memorial to remind them how God had helped them across the Jordan River. The Apostle Peter explains that WE are to be living stones. Our lives serve as a memorial to what God has done in us.
  • May 19, 2013What Did He Say?
    May 19, 2013
    What Did He Say?
    Jesus demonstrates his authority over disease, weather, demons, and now he proves his authority to forgive sins.
  • May 12, 2013A Dangerous Adventure
    May 12, 2013
    A Dangerous Adventure
    Jesus calls us to follow Him right now, not later. Following Jesus is not always easy and some people are not able to do it. Sometimes because we follow Jesus we find ourselves in the midst of dangerous storms. But Jesus is the maker of the storms and is able to bring calm.
  • Apr 28, 2013Doing Things the Hard Way
    Apr 28, 2013
    Doing Things the Hard Way
    In this last section of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus shows us the two ways to live and explains that Christians are to choose the way of Christ which is the difficult way.
  • Apr 21, 2013Don’t Blame Me
    Apr 21, 2013
    Don’t Blame Me
    We live in a culture of blame. Instead of taking personal responsibility people look to blame someone else for anything that happens. Almost everyone knows Jesus' words, "Judge no lest you be judged." Pastor Chip looks at what this really means.
  • Apr 14, 2013Treasure Chest
    Apr 14, 2013
    Treasure Chest
    One of the best indicators of our walk with Christ is the way we handle our money. Jesus said, "Do no lay up treasures on earth where moth and rust destroy. But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven."