Feb 12, 2017
Core Values: Relationships
Series: Core Values
God's nature is perfect relationship between Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He designed the church to be a place of deep, personal relationships.
- Feb 12, 2017Core Values: Relationships
Feb 12, 2017Core Values: RelationshipsSeries: Core ValuesGod's nature is perfect relationship between Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He designed the church to be a place of deep, personal relationships.
- Feb 5, 2017Core Values: Generosity
Feb 5, 2017Core Values: GenerositySeries: Core ValuesGenerosity is a core value of FPC because it's the way God is. Because God is generous with us we should be generous with our time, abilities, money, and forgiveness.
- Jan 29, 2017Core Values: Scripture
Jan 29, 2017Core Values: ScriptureSeries: Core ValuesPastor Chip discusses the importance of the church's core value of Scripture and the importance of biblical preaching, teaching, and learning.
- Jan 22, 2017Core Values: Life
Jan 22, 2017Core Values: LifeSeries: Core ValuesIn the Bible God is very clear that all lives matter. Humans are created in the image of God. Each of us carries that divine image and therefore every person is valuable and has dignity.
- Jan 15, 2017Core Values
Jan 15, 2017Core ValuesSeries: Core ValuesVision Sunday. Pastor Chip introduces the church's statement of core values and discusses the mission of the church from 2 Thessalonians 1.
- Jan 1, 2017Fixer Upper
Jan 1, 2017Fixer UpperBaptism is the outward sign of what God is doing in our life. Kind of like fixing up an old house, God makes us a new creation. But just as important, God then sends us out with a job to do.
- Dec 11, 2016The Joy of … Living
Dec 11, 2016The Joy of … LivingWhere does joy come from? And how can you have joy in your life, even when things are tough? Listen to hear Pastor Chip discuss the source of true love and joy.
- Dec 4, 2016What Are You Waiting For?
Dec 4, 2016What Are You Waiting For?Christmas seems to come earlier and earlier. That's why we celebrate Advent, a time of waiting and preparation. Find out how you can keep your perspective this Christmas.
- Nov 20, 2016Thank You Note
Nov 20, 2016Thank You NoteFor Christians, Thanksgiving may be one of the most important holidays of the year and yet it seems to be getting squeezed out. Pastor Chip discusses the importance of thanking God.
- Nov 13, 2016We’re On a Mission From God
Nov 13, 2016We’re On a Mission From GodMissions is not reserved for "professional" missionaries. All Christians are called to join God's mission.